Red Bark Trees. Red eucalyptus tree bark in diagonal composition Red insect crawling on a tree bark close-up. Red Barked Tree is a shrewdly sequenced album, and it has to be, given that its impulsive stylistic shifts-- from mechanized thrash to psychedelic folk to nervy power-pop-- mirror the "age of.
Current track: Red Barked TreesRed Barked Trees.
Related Images: bark red tree nature wood plant tree bark texture forest background.
The music of "Red Barked Tree" is certainly recognizable as that of Wire, but at the same time it's a somewhat unexpected set. Red Barked Tree is a shrewdly sequenced album, and it has to be, given that its impulsive stylistic shifts-- from mechanized thrash to psychedelic folk to nervy power-pop-- mirror the "age of. This isn't a good sign, then again there are enough moments on here.