Images Of Viburnum

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Viburnum burkwoodii
Viburnum burkwoodii (Allie Palmer)
In winter Viburnum farreri (Farrer viburnum) is covered with a blizzard of highly scented white flowers that open from pink buds. The pink to red budded white flowers have a pink blush, leaves are a dull. Fruit may cause mild stomach upset if eaten.

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This is a vigorous, upright deciduous shrub and so needs space to perform.

Members of the Viburnum Genus

Viburnum Shrub | DIY

Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Anne Russell', Burkwood Viburnum ...

Viburnum "burkwoodii" - YouTube

Compact European Viburnum (Viburnum opulus 'Compactum') in ...

Viburnum tinus hedge plants | Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price ...

Doublefile Viburnum - Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum ...

Mohican Viburnum is a deciduous shrub that produces white ...

オオデマリ - Wikipedia

Very ornamental, Viburnum tinus (Laurustinus) is a vigorous bushy evergreen shrub noted for its eye-catching flower clusters, colorful berries and leathery foliage. Viburnum opulus is natural and safe for pain that is caused by muscle cramping and tension. Viburnum nudum, commonly called smooth witherod, is a rounded, multi-stemmed, upright-spreading, deciduous shrub that This species is also sometimes commonly called possumhaw viburnum.