Ground Cover Deer Resistant. The odor that many people would consider alluring actually repels deer. Its foliage is an attractive ground cover, and the plant will spread as it reseeds.
Two Great Deer Resistant Plants! (Laura Ross)
If you're looking for low growing creeping, spreading or trailing plants that deer won't eat we've got you covered. Planting for the Lenten Rose should be done in the early fall or the late spring. Help protect your garden by planting plants that deer often will stay away from.
Ground covers are among the most practical plants in the garden designer's palette.
Question: Are there any deer-resistant groundcovers?
50+ AUBRIETA ROYAL VIOLET, Rock Cress / Perennial / Deer ...
For a list of the plants we tested, check out Deer Say "Yuck": Easy-To-Grow Deer Resistant Plants. Plus find out which deer delicacies to avoid and get The broad scallop-edged leaves, which resemble a lady's cloak, are covered with soft hairs that deer find objectionable.