John Greenlee Grasses. John Greenlee's name has become synonomous with the fantastic world of ornamental grass. John Greenlee is a horticulturalist and garden designer specializing in meadows and grass ecologies and is the author of The American Meadow Garden.
Called the "guru of grasses" by Sunset magazine, John Greenlee is an outspoken advocate for the American meadow and the numerous benefits of grassland ecologies.
Greenlees "Borel cohomology and the relative Gorenstein condition for classifying spaces of compact Lie groups" JPAA.
Professor of Mathematics Head of Department. ABOUT THE AUTHOR John Greenlee is the owner of Greenlee Nursery and John Greenlee and The most comprehensive reference available, The Encyclopedia of Ornamental Grasses is destined. John Greenlee commented on John Greenlee's instructable Crystal Radio to Go: a Portable, Battery-less Crystal Receiver in a Pizza Box.