Butterfly Bush Garden Design. We've got great butterfly garden design ideas with tips and tricks for attracting Monarchs and other butterflies. The key to good garden design, and replacing butterfly bush, is succession gardening.
Flowers of similar colors grouped Azalea, blueberries, butterfly bush, buttonbush, lilac, privets and sumacs. Buddleia is well-loved by butterfly gardeners because it is well-loved by butterflies. Butterfly Bush - One of the most popular plants for butterfly gardens, these easy-to-grow deciduous flowering shrubs blooms summer through fall and are visited my many different species of butterflies.
Plant several in different colors, and the butterflies will flutter into your garden.
If your butterfly bush becomes root bound it will need repotting into a larger container or planting out in the garden.
Combine them with glowing Chinese Lanterns (Physalis franchetii) and Butterfly Bushes (Buddleja davidii) and you will enjoy a delightful color show which will enlighten your garden for weeks, from late until frost. Its many blossoms, although irresistible to butterflies, can lead to aggressive re-seeding. This form is perfect for a container or small garden.