Orange African Daisy

Fresh and News.

Orange African Daisy. African daisies (Osteospermum) are a pretty daisy-like flower with unusual colored petals and often O. 'Lemon Symphony': The butter-yellow petals have a purple center and orange eye and can grow. Also known as the Cape Daisy or Blue-eyed Daisy (Osteospermum fruticosum) are members of the (Aster plant) Asteraceae. "Orange African Daisy" by Andy Merrett

Orange African Daisy stock photo. Image of botany, blossom ...
Orange African Daisy stock photo. Image of botany, blossom ... (Lee Gross)
The image is available for download in high. African Daisy 'Orange Symphony', Cape Daisy 'Orange Symphony', Osteospermum 'Seikimora', Symphony Series. I can grow some daisies indoors, ahead of spring and getting my balcony cleaned off.

African daisy is a type of annual flower.

It's too cold for me out there right now.

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Orange Symphony African Daisy (Osteospermum 'Orange ...

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Yellow-orange African daisy flowers (Gazania sp ...

DM Color Express ยป Osteospermum OrangeDM Color Express

African Daisy

Dimorphotheca sinuata - African Daisy orange

The seeds mature quickly into silver-leafed plants that produce blossoms in shades of yellow, orange, white, and pink. I'm most interested in the Orange Symphony African Daisy info. When I read about the Dimorphotheca sinuata as a substitute, it states parts of it are poisonous and I have wild animals and my dog to worry.