Sun Loving Moss. Pro tip: Plant sun-loving moss between pavers to liven up a garden path. Prefers low humidity, and demands fast drainage, so plant over gravel, or other non-porous medium (especially in the southern.
I love using Java moss, Taxiphyllum barbieri, which creates a dense, velvety mat of intense bottle Flame moss is an upright form that grows in vertical clumps to create tiny, apple-green spires like mini.
For years we have had requests from people with sunnier locations for sun loving mosses.
Make sure you have that tight, sun-loving moss from between pavement cracks. During succession, the limiting factor that may affect the sun-loving mosses when taller plants In addition, these mosses will not get the full benefit from the sun because the taller plants are blocking. There are some garden great info, thanks! a year ago we moved into this beautiful house and love that we are surrounded by trees.