Juniper Shrubs Care. Their ability to grow in some pretty tough situations with little care makes junipers prized in garden settings. How to Care for your Juniper Shrubs: Juniper Shrubs are best planted in Full to Partial Sun as this is where they produce the densest and colorful foliage without stretching.
Although junipers handle drought well, they need well-drained soil.
Junipers (Juniperus spp.) are needle-leaved evergreens that are used in many landscapes.
Evergreen and coniferous, junipers range from low growing ground covers to tall trees. Junipers are coniferous trees and shrubs in the genus Juniperus /dʒuːˈnɪpərəs/ of the cypress family Cupressaceae. When shrubs are headed back or sheared routinely (random cutting of the ends of twigs or young Most broadleaf shrubs such as azaleas, camellias, privets, glossy abelia, nandina and cleyera.