Is Ageratum A Perennial. Ageratum is an annual with a neat mounding bushy habit, ovate green leaves and panicles of thread like blue flat topped blooms. 'Ageratum petiolatum' is a rarely seen perennial that flowers from early Summer to Autumn, bearing pale blue flowers in dense clusters. Perennial ageratum (Eupatorium coelestinum) is a gorgeous perennial with fringed periwinkle blue flowers.
Definition of ageratum. : any of a genus (Ageratum) of annual tropical American composite herbs often cultivated for their small showy heads of usually blue or white flowers also : a related blue-flowered perennial (Eupatorium coelestinum).
Every spring, new plant tops arise from the crown or roots, which persisted through the winter.
Ageratum houstonianum - Floss Flower Ammobium alatum - Winged Everlasting Argemone mexicana - Mexican Prickly Poppy Asperula orientalis - Woodruff Borago officinalis - Borage Brachycome iberidifolia - Swan River Daisy Browallia americana Calendula officinalis. The ordinary Ageratum is a perennial, herbaceous plant or a dwarf, or shrub. The picture on the left is Ageratum.